
EU military experts meeting with the Minister of Defense. Bilateral cooperation in the military segment - on the agenda of the discussions

The cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union in the military segment, the modernization of the National Army, as well as the prospects of intensifying the bilateral partnership were discussed on Wednesday, January 18, in Chisinau, by a group of experts from the European Union (EPF — European Peace Facility), who is paying a visit to the Republic of Moldova, and the Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi.

According to a press release issued by the Ministry of Defense in Chisinau, the Minister of Nosatîi thanked, during the meeting, the European representatives for the assistance offered, over the years, in the transformation of the defence institution.

At the same time, Anatolie Nosatîi declared, according to the quoted source, that he wants transparent management of the projects aimed at equipping the National Army with modern techniques and equipment, in accordance with Western standards, as well as the conversion of the old and used ones. The official specified that these modernization actions will contribute to increasing the interoperability of the Moldovan military with their colleagues from other states, within the international peacekeeping missions in which they participate.

The EU delegation held working meetings including with heads of structural subdivisions within the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the National Army to detail the priorities of external assistance offered in 2023 by the European Union in the context of developing the capabilities of the National Army. Later, the experts made a familiarisation visit to the military unit located in Băcioi.

Moldova 1 reminds its viewers that the EU delegation is in the Republic of Moldova between January 16-19, currently. The agenda of the visit includes official meetings with representatives of state institutions and embassies of EU/NATO states in Chisinau.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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