
Exports from the Transnistrian region to the EU increased by about 81% in the first three months of the year

In the first three months of 2024, the share of exports from the Transnistrian region to the European Union reached about 81%, and that of imports constituted 56%. The statistical data were presented by the European Integration Office in the context of Europe Day. According to the source, in 2023, the exports of economic agents from the Transnistrian region to the countries of the EU bloc constituted over 70 percent, which is a 20% increase compared to 2019.

The cited source states that the benefits of European integration are visible in the Transnistrian region, "where development projects financed by the European Union contribute to the improvement of infrastructure, access to education and health, as well as to the expansion of economic opportunities, including export and import to/from the European Union ".

President Maia Sandu said that most exports from the left bank of the Nistru went to EU countries.

"For these benefits to increase, we need to make changes on both banks of the Nistru. It is important that we reach the EU as soon as possible", said the head of state during a press conference held on Europe Day.

Prime Minister Dorin Recean said that 70% of the trade of the companies on the left bank of the Nistru is only with the European Union

"Transnistria is an opportunity. More than 70% of the trade of the companies on the left bank of the Nistru, what we call Transnistria, is only with the European Union. Moreover, we have a reserve of about 50,000 people there as a well-educated workforce, which can be used for productive investments in the Republic of Moldova. We already have an increased flow of labor in Moldovan companies", revealed the official at an international economic conference organized in Bucharest, on May 9.

The main destinations of economic agents from the Transnistrian region are Romania, Poland, Germany, Slovakia and Bulgaria.

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