
Grosu, after the Moldovans voted in record numbers at the European Parliament elections: "We proved that we are Europeans"

The ruling Party Action and Solidarity (PAS) thanks the citizens of the Republic of Moldova for the record turnout at the European Parliament elections. The leader of PAS and Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu claims that in this way, Moldovans proved maturity, that they are European and that they care about the EU.

"The Republic of Moldova enters the electoral map of Europe and Romania. Moldovans have demonstrated that they are Europeans and that they care about the great European family. We showed maturity by saying "no" to political extremism and populism and that Moldova believes in democracy", declared Igor Grosu.

The PAS leader congratulated the National Liberal Party (PNL), in government in Romania, in coalition with the Social Democratic Party (PSD), for the results obtained in the European Parliament elections in the Republic of Moldova and Romania. According to the official, now the deputies who represent this political formation "will negotiate to get more good things for the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Europe".

Asked what direct impact the result of the European Parliament vote will have on the European course of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Grosu said: "A direct result. The consecutiveness of these events in the context of the decision we are all waiting for on June 25-26 is a very fortunate one, I would say. We had the opportunity by doubling the participation of the European citizens of the Republic of Moldova in the European parliamentary elections to point out once again that we care, that we want to participate in the decision-making process at the European level, and we demonstrated this. I am sure that beyond the political decision we are waiting for, we are close to some very good decisions".

With a massive turnout at the polls, the Republic of Moldova ranked first among the countries where Romanian communities voted. Almost 55% of the votes cast in Sunday's European parliamentary elections were for the PSD-PNL alliance, according to official data published by the Permanent Electoral Authority. Alianța Dreapta Unită obtained over 23 percent of the votes, followed by Dacian Cioloș's REPER party with 5.5 percent, and AUR got 4.6 percent of the votes.

We remind that almost 57,000 voters from the Republic of Moldova participated in the ballot for the election of European Parliament deputies, which represents 25 percent of the diaspora's votes. The ranking is completed by Great Britain with 31 thousand votes. Germany with 25,000 votes and Italy with 24,000 votes.

According to the official statistics of the Permanent Electoral Authority, 216,000 votes were cast abroad in the European parliamentary elections in Romania, in the 915 polling stations, their number representing a record.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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