
US-funded Modernization of "Ștefan cel Mare" Academy's Shooting Range

The shooting range of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI)'s "Ștefan cel Mare" Academy, where current and future police officers undertake training, will undergo modernization and be equipped with state-of-the-art facilities.

Sursa: MAI

This initiative, supported financially by the United States Government, is projected to span two years. The allocated budget amounts to approximately $2.6 million.

According to MAI, the current facilities no longer meet modern standards for professional training. Following the renovations, the training environment will be significantly improved, allowing police officers to practise firearms handling, including simulations of real-life scenarios they may encounter—from violent incidents to large-scale operations involving armed suspects.

As part of the remodelling, a 25-metre shooting range and a virtual shooting range will be installed. The project includes rehabilitating the shooting range spaces, updating engineering networks, and installing a new heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system, all in compliance with health and environmental standards. Post-renovation, the shooting range will be capable of hosting both national and international shooting competitions.

"This project marks a significant step in enhancing the professional skills of MAI personnel," stated Adrian Efros, Minister of Internal Affairs. "With invaluable support from the US Government and UNDP, we are equipping our officers with the knowledge and tools needed to tackle current and future challenges, while ensuring adherence to human rights and international standards. Investing in our officers' professional training is an investment in the safety of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova."

Laura Hruby, Chargé d’Affaires of the US Embassy in Moldova, affirmed, "A modern law enforcement system, encompassing training and infrastructure, is crucial for upholding the rule of law. The US Embassy is proud to announce an investment of 2.665 million USD, reaffirming our commitment to strengthening Moldova's law enforcement capabilities and rapid adaptation to challenges."

The shooting range at the "Ștefan cel Mare" Academy was constructed in 1983 and has never undergone major renovations, being maintained solely for functional capacity, as per MAI.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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