
Moldova Streamlines Admissions: Apply Online Now!

This year marks a significant shift in Moldovan university admissions, with the process transitioning entirely online for the first time.

Students can now apply to their chosen faculties through the platform, a move expected to streamline the application process and save valuable time.

The new online system is seen as particularly beneficial for students residing far from the capital city, who previously faced the burden of travelling long distances to submit application materials in person.

This year's online applicants overwhelmingly agree that the new method offers greater speed and convenience. One applicant highlights the efficiency, stating, "It definitely makes things easier than carrying around a file and going to each university separately. This will be especially helpful for those who live far from the capital (tens of kilometres away)."

However, some concerns linger regarding the new online system. Applicants express apprehension about potential technical issues, particularly during peak application periods. One student voiced these concerns, stating, "I'm concerned about the websites. What if I make a mistake or the site crashes due to high traffic?"

The application process allows students to apply to a maximum of three universities. Importantly, the online system does not entirely eliminate the option of traditional in-person applications. Those who encounter difficulties with the online platform can still visit universities directly to submit their applications.

"We want to give everyone the option to avoid extra trips," explained Dan Perciune, Minister of Education and Research. "Students can stay home, use their computers, and choose where they want to study. This does not exclude a physical visit to the university if they desire additional guidance. Universities will maintain counselling centres throughout the admission period, and on-site computers will be available for those who need assistance with the online application process."

Looking ahead, Moldovan authorities plan to expand the online application system to encompass middle school enrollment and kindergarten registration for parents. Traditionally, university admissions in Moldova begin in late July and conclude in August.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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