
Laura Codruța Kövesi Champions EU Justice Reform and Anti-Corruption Efforts

Justice reform and the fight against corruption, initiated by authorities in Chișinău, must continue as integral parts of the process of joining the European Union (EU).

Laura Codruța Kövesi, head of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, emphasised in a press conference with Moldovan journalists in Luxembourg that the extraordinary evaluation of judges and prosecutors needs to be completed expeditiously. Kövesi, former prosecutor general in Romania and later head of the National Anticorruption Directorate, highlighted internal resistance as a significant challenge also faced by Romania.

"One of the challenges I encountered was resistance to change, which is exceedingly difficult to combat. It also reflects a broader mentality issue when addressing corruption. However, expectations are high regarding the judiciary's role in combating corruption," stated Kövesi.

Kövesi underscored that combating corruption is a societal responsibility, emphasising the importance of prevention, education, and robust investigations. She emphasised that a single high-profile conviction does not resolve the issue.

"This is an ongoing battle that requires continuous effort from everyone. Prosecutors are not permitted to rest or take vacations, nor can they close their offices upon achieving notable arrests, whether of ministers, parliamentarians, or businessmen. This fight must involve the entire community, not just those within the judicial system," Kövesi emphasised.

Since 2019, Codruța Kövesi has served as head of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, tasked with investigating fraud involving European funds. The office's jurisdiction extends to neighbouring countries of the union, including the Republic of Moldova, with which it collaborates on joint investigations. Previously, Kövesi held the position of prosecutor general in Romania and later led the National Anticorruption Directorate. Her tenure significantly boosted public trust in the justice system, reaching 60% in 2016.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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