
Art & Verse Collide: Poetry Meets Brâncuși Gallery

A unique cultural event titled "Poetic Evenings at the Constantin Brâncuși Gallery" recently brought together visual art and literature.

The event featured an exhibition of paintings and ceramics by the talented sisters Eudochia Robu and Tatiana Vătavu, alongside a poetry and prose reading by contemporary writers.

The recital commenced amidst the displayed artworks. It began with an excerpt from Dumitru Crudu's novel, reflecting on the sombre events of June 28, 1940. The program continued with contemporary poems exploring themes of dreams, love, and disillusionment.

Cătălina Trifan, a poet, remarked on the harmonious relationship between the arts, stating, "A Greek philosopher once said that painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks. I am delighted to see these two art forms come together."

Maria Romanciuc, an art enthusiast from Goian, expressed her appreciation for the event, stating, "This event beautifully exemplifies the power of art to draw people together. It's a rare confluence of poetry, painting, and sculpture – a moment to be truly savoured."

The inspiration for this creative fusion came to writer Irina Nechit during the opening ceremony of the talented Robu sisters' exhibition. "Such a stunning and captivating exhibition," she said. "I thought it would be wonderful to find ways to attract a wider audience. We can incorporate poetry readings into future exhibitions as well. By fostering dialogue and appreciation for various art forms, we can contribute to the advancement of culture."

Florina Breazu, president of the UAP (the Romanian Writers' Union), commented on the synergy between the visual and literary arts, stating, "This gathering coincides perfectly with the exhibition of these exceptional artists, Eudochia Robu and Tatiana Vătavu. Their works create a space that encompasses both the earthly and the divine, a space where poetry feels particularly fitting."

The artists themselves, Eudochia Robu (visual artist) and Tatiana Vătavu (ceramist), showcased their latest creations. They expressed their satisfaction with the exhibition serving as a catalyst for events that bring together artists and art enthusiasts.

"There's definitely a need for more communication between the different art communities," said Eudochia Robu. "We hold exhibitions, our writer colleagues have book launches, and so on. By fostering collaboration, we can create a more vibrant art scene."

Tatiana Vătavu echoed this sentiment, stating, "This gathering of visual artists and writers is a positive development. We cannot exist in isolation – the arts form a unified whole."

The organisers confirmed that similar meetings between writers and visual artists will be held in conjunction with future thematic exhibitions.

Translatoin by Iurie Tataru

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