
Ukraine Unveils New Peace Plan to End War with Russia

Ukraine is preparing a new peace plan to end the war initiated by Russia, announced Volodimir Zelenski. He specified that the proposal will be finalised this year, Euronews reports.

"It is very important for us to present a plan to end the war, a plan that will be supported by the majority of countries in the world. This is what we are doing on the diplomatic front. There are two parallel directions: to be strong on the battlefield and to develop a clear and detailed plan that will be ready this year. We do not want to prolong this war and must reach a just peace as soon as possible," declared Volodimir Zelenski.

Ukraine has already proposed, since 2022—the year it was invaded by Russia—a 10-point peace plan, supported by the West, which calls for the unconditional withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukrainian territory.

Additionally, earlier this month, a peace summit took place in Switzerland, initiated by Ukraine and from which Russia was excluded. Dozens of countries expressed support for Kyiv's efforts at the summit, but several key powers abstained, and others, led by China, did not participate.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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