
Moldovan Youths Explore Culture: Unity Through Diversity

A group of 15 young men and women from diverse ethnicities in southern Moldova embarked on a cultural immersion experience in the village of Congaz.

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They participated in a three-day summer camp titled "Unity Through Diversity," organised by the Pro-Europa Information Center in Comrat in partnership with USAID.

The camp delved into the rich tapestry of southern Moldova's ethnic diversity. Participants explored the intricacies of folk culture, savoured traditional cuisine and customs, and embarked on excursions to the village's most scenic spots.

"I'm from the village of Copceac, as is the young man beside me," shared a participant. "We represent different cultures – he's Moldovan, and I'm Gagauz. We're both interested in learning about various cultures, particularly Moldovan cuisine, since some dishes I found unfamiliar were actually Gagauz specialties."

Another participant from the village of Chirsova highlighted the growing cultural exchange in their community. "Social media alerted me about the youth camp, and I immediately decided to join. Our village has a traditionally Gagauz and Bulgarian population, but recently, a Ukrainian community has begun to flourish. We have a community centre open to Ukrainians, and we all enjoy excellent relationships."

Valentina Coledji, coordinator of the Pro-Europa Center, explained the camp's focus: "Our program, 'Unity Through Diversity,' aimed to showcase the cultural richness of southern Moldova. We brought together young people from various backgrounds, including Bulgarians, Gagauzians, Ukrainians, and Moldovans. The camp even hosted cultural experts to provide deeper insights into these unique heritages."

The Pro-Europa Center in Comrat plans to host additional events for young people throughout the summer break, further fostering cultural exchange and understanding in the region.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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