
Moldova's Forests: Struggling with Outdated Tech

Moldova's forestry sector is grappling with a shortage of modern agricultural machinery. The majority of equipment currently in use, including field machinery and tractors, is outdated and struggling to meet the demands of production, particularly the production and utilisation of seedling stock.

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To address this challenge, the Orhei forestry enterprise recently received a new, modern tractor. However, the administration emphasises the ongoing need for further investment in equipment.

The Orhei forestry enterprise currently possesses a fleet of six ageing tractors, with only three remaining operational. These older models frequently break down throughout the year, and procuring replacement parts proves a significant hurdle.

"The equipment we inherited is outdated," stated Savelie Mîrzac, director of the Orhei forestry enterprise. "We can no longer keep pace with our planned operations. We urgently require newer equipment. Our current fleet includes approximately six ageing tractors, some dating back 40 years. Spare parts are no longer readily available for these models, and those that can be found are prohibitively expensive."

Engineer Ion Căprian highlights the particularly disruptive impact of breakdowns during crucial tree-planting periods.

"We maintain the tractors to the best of our ability," he explained, "but time takes its toll, and breakdowns are inevitable. The arrival of the new tractor has significantly eased the workload. It features air conditioning, providing improved working conditions for our tractor drivers – a resource that is becoming increasingly scarce. On one occasion, a tractor breakdown forced us to resort to manual planting."

The Moldovan forestry agency, Moldsilva, acknowledges the critical need for equipment upgrades but cites budgetary constraints.

"We are currently engaged in negotiations with the European Investment Bank to secure funding for infrastructure development projects," said Aliona Rusnac, Secretary of State at the Ministry of the Environment. "These projects encompass the establishment of industrial nurseries and the direct provision of equipment to forestry enterprises."

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has taken a leading role in addressing this issue. The organisation recently donated a new tractor, valued at $44,000, to the Orhei forestry enterprise. Additionally, the enterprise is slated to receive further technical equipment valued at $6,000.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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