
Iulian Groza requests the competition for the position of chief prosecutor of PCCOCS to be cancelled

Iulian Groza, one of the members of the Commission for preselection of candidates for the position of chief prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS) complains of pressure and attempts at intimidation and demands the annulment of the results of the first stage of the competition. At the same time, one of the selected prosecutors requested the suspension of the competition. The Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP) could meet on Friday in an extraordinary meeting, Radio Moldova reports.

Following the first meeting of the Special Commission for the pre-selection of candidates for the position of chief prosecutor of PCCOCS, which took place on Monday, January 23, one of the members of the Commission, Iulian Groza, submitted a referral to the Superior Council of Prosecutors on Thursday, requesting the cancellation the pre-selection stage, as well as the competition initiated by CSP. According to the evaluator, this competition is flawed and the integrity and credibility of the selection process and the results of the competition are seriously affected.

In a move that he also placed on his Facebook page, Iulian Groza claims that after Monday's meeting, attempts were made to intimidate him and pressure was exerted on him in order to influence the process of pre-selection of candidates for the position of prosecutor - head of the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases.

The Superior Council of Prosecutors could meet, on Friday, in an extraordinary meeting to examine the notification submitted by Iulian Groza, but also by the candidate Eugeniu Rurac, who requested the suspension of the contest, CSP president Angela Motuzoc told Radio Moldova. "It will be on the agenda of the Superior Council of Prosecutors and in a meeting the Council will express itself on the notification given. It will be soon, already how can I organise to have a quorum, because you saw yesterday that it was not possible to hold a meeting of the CSP even though they previously confirmed the presence. I will convene an extraordinary meeting", declared the CSP president, noting that the meeting could take place on Friday.

Asked about the possibility of cancelling the competition, Angela Motuzoc mentioned that the members of the Superior Council of Prosecutors are to be exposed. "In this context, I want to inform you that Eugeniu Rurac's request, which asks for the suspension of this competition and, respectively, on this request, is to be presented", added Angele Motuzoc.

Moldova 1 reminds its viewers that the members of the Special Commission for pre-selection of candidates for the position of prosecutor - head of the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS) met in closed session on Monday to examine the candidates' files in terms of the eligibility criteria.

Following the first stage, 3 candidates were promoted to head PCCOCS: Andrei Mațco, Eugeniu Rurac and Sergiu Russu, the last holding the interim position of head of PCCOCS.

The second stage in the promotion of the contest is that of the interview that was to take place on February 1.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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