
Maia Sandu, about Stoianoglo's presidential candidacy: "The Kremlin wants thieves to return to power in the Republic of Moldova"

President Maia Sandu believes that the proposal of the former general prosecutor Alexandr Stoianoglo for the position of president of the Republic of Moldova is orchestrated by Moscow. According to the head of state, "the oligarchs and the Kremlin joined" to return the thieves to power in our country. Contacted by Teleradio-Moldova for a reaction, the former general prosecutor, supported by the Socialist Party in the presidential race, did not answer our calls.

"The oligarchs and the Kremlin made a deal and found a candidate. It is clear that the Kremlin wants the thieves to return to power in the Republic of Moldova, because the Kremlin knows that the thieves will sell our country. And, respectively, those in the Kremlin will be able to use it for their purposes. We must continue to be united and vigilant and not allow the oligarchs, the thieves to return. We have a clear path. We have a serious mission: to build well-being, to ensure continued peace, to have fair justice and a state that can protect and ensure a good life for every citizen", said the president Maia Sandu in an interview for NordInfo.

We remind you that the PSRM leader, former president Igor Dodon, announced on July 8, during a briefing, that the socialists will support Alexandr Stoianoglo in the autumn elections. Dodon claims that the former prosecutor general possesses "all the qualities of a country's president ", including "courage", "authority" and "modesty". He called on the opposition parties to support Stoianoglo in the presidential elections. The former prosecutor general said at the time that he decided to enter the presidential race because of the " injustice and abuse" in the country. In his speech, Stoianoglo pleaded for a European, but neutral Moldova, in which there is room for cooperation between countries and peoples. "Now there is no room for pride and ambition, there is only responsibility," Stoianoglo said.. In a comment for Teleradio-Moldova, the expert and deputy director of the Institute for European Policies and Reforms, Mihai Mogîldea, claimed that Alexandr Stoianoglo could be the main competitor of President Maia Sandu, in a possible round of the presidential elections.

On the other hand, the executive director of the Institute for Strategic Initiatives (IPIS), Vladislav Kulminski believes that Igor Dodon's decision not to run for the presidential elections in the fall and to support the former general prosecutor Alexandr Stoianoglo in this election means "the end of his political career ” for the PSRM leader. According to him, this decision will have political consequences for Stoianoglo as well.

We remind you that on October 20, presidential elections and the referendum on EU accession will take place. The people will elect their future president of the country, for a four-year term.

So far, the following candidates announced their intention to run: Maia Sandu, the acting president of the Republic of Moldova; Vlad Filat, former prime minister, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova; Ion Chicu, former prime minister, leader of the Moldovan Consolidation and Development Party; Tudor Ulianovschi, former Minister of Foreign Affairs; Andrei Năstase, ex-Minister of the Interior, founder of the DA Platform; Renato Usatîi, former mayor of Balti, leader of Our Party.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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