EU accession

European Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi: the Republic of Moldova had a "lightning" European journey

The Republic of Moldova has had a lightning-fast European journey so far, claims European Commissioner for Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi. Now there is an assessment of the legislation. But an even more difficult task follows, not only adapting the laws to European directives but also their application, said Commissioner Várhelyi.

"The European course of the Republic of Moldova is quite rapid. Indeed, I have high hopes that this speed and energy that the country is investing in the European path will generate a solid result. We are now at the stage of accession negotiations, which means comparing legislations", said the European Commissioner for Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi.

The Republic of Moldova must transpose European legislation and at the same time have the institutional capacity to apply it, the European official believes.

"That doesn't mean you're just going to need people to work on it, for example if we take any area, water quality, you have to have the measurement systems, everything that's needed to enforce these rules. It will be a very, very difficult task," concluded Commissioner Várhelyi.

The first bilateral screening session on chapter five - Public Procurement - took place two days ago in Chisinau. Most likely, the first negotiation chapters will be opened in half a year.

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