
Moldovan Farmers in Crisis: Drought Sparks Emergency Calls

Disgruntled farmers in southern Moldova are calling for the government to declare a state of emergency following a visit today by Agriculture Minister Vladimir Bolea and Secretary of State Vasile Șarban to the village of Roșu in Cahul district.

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The officials have promised to compile reports on the situation.

The farmers are urging authorities to designate the south as a drought zone, which would provide legal documentation to support their claims of losses in court.

"We haven't received any official decisions yet," said farmer Gheorghe Jurcanu, who was present at the meeting. "Specialists from the Institute of Pedology assessed the situation and offered recommendations. However, our primary concern is the severely affected areas in the south, particularly Cantemir, Cahul, and Vulcănești districts. It's crucial for the southern region to be officially recognized as drought-stricken. We need legal documentation confirming the recent heatwave and the three consecutive years of drought we've endured. This documentation would be essential evidence to defend ourselves in court," Jurcanu told Teleradio-Moldova.

According to Jurcanu, who also owns farmland in Cahul district, the Department of Agriculture estimates losses based on damage assessment reports. Approximately 20,000 hectares of land have been affected by 50-80% (first group), resulting in an estimated loss of 132 million lei. The second group, which is practically 100% affected, faces even greater losses.

On Wednesday, members of the Farmers' Force Association met in Cahul and identified several solutions that they will propose to the authorities for approval.

The farmers claim they have done everything possible to save their crops, including planting, fertilising, and incurring significant financial risk. However, they now face the prospect of bankruptcy due to the ongoing drought.

The Ministry of Agriculture previously stated that the situation can be addressed without resorting to a state of emergency.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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