
Moldova Battered by Severe Weather: Homes, Roofs Damaged

Heavy rain and strong winds accompanied by hail struck central and northern Moldova on Wednesday afternoon, causing damage or partial destruction to several house roofs.

Sursa: IGSU

The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations reported that interventions were necessary in multiple districts.

Firefighters responded to 23 calls to clear trees downed by the strong winds. Intervention teams removed debris from damaged roofs and cleared fallen trees.

In Dondușeni district, rescuers responded to a call in the town of Țaul, where severe winds damaged 30% of the roof of a five-story apartment building. Roofs of four private houses and two garages also sustained damage. Wind gusts ripped off the roof of a grocery store, and a fallen tree caused damage to a garage and a minibus.

District emergency response teams are already on site to assess the property damage caused by the severe weather.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Sursa: IGSU
Sursa: IGSU
Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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