
Thousands of people in California were evacuated because of the flames

Thousands of people have been evacuated from raging flames near Chico, California, which a man deliberately started. Since Wednesday, when it broke out, the fire has destroyed 750 square kilometres of vegetation and more than 130 houses. To extinguish the fire, the intervention of 1600 firefighters was needed. However, it continues progressing at a dizzying speed, causing concern among the authorities and the people.

Some of the residents who escaped the flames described their stressful escape to local media:

"I hate this situation, the fire and all the misery, the pain around me. Some people really suffer. Fortunately, I haven't lost everything and I feel satisfied. But some people have lost their families, dogs and horses."

"We didn't want to leave, but we had to, to be safe. It was a tragedy. I was left with unpleasant memories. We are safe now. I want this situation to end so we can go home."

"We are scared and we don't even know what is happening. It's terrible. These are tense times", say the locals.

About 400 people had to leave the city of Chico because of the fire, the firemen announced. The fire caused major damage and destroyed hundreds of square kilometers of vegetation. Several houses and cars burned.

"More than a thousand people contributed to the liquidation of this fire. Also 120 cars, ten helicopters and 12 tanks, some very large. We had two injured, but our firefighters gave them the necessary help. Many buildings have been destroyed," said a firefighter.

The suspect who would have intentionally caused the fire was placed in preventive detention. The fire broke out on Wednesday afternoon. It is not the first time that devastating fires have occurred in California. Chico is located only about 20 kilometres from the city of Paradise, which was destroyed by a violent fire in 2018 and in which 85 people lost their lives.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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