
Murder of the Turkish citizen // Police refuse to provide details about the case

Three weeks after the street murder of the Turkish citizen in the Rîșcani sector of Chisinau, the police failed to track down the killer. Law enforcement officers refuse to provide details on this case, citing procedural measures. So far it is not clear if the police have managed to identify the killer, but the Minister of the Interior, Adrian Efros assures, that he is wanted.

"We have 30 days to carry out the investigation, this deadline has not yet expired and we want a very thorough investigation to identify all the loopholes, whether they are procedural or normative. We very much hope next week to have a conclusion on the given investigation. We are in a very advanced process and when we will have the information or the situation will allow us to come up with more details, then we will do it", said Adrian Efros.

So far it is known that the attacker had his face covered at the time of the attack and was wearing a helmet, and he traveled to the scene of the crime on an electric scooter.

The murder happened on July 10, on the terrace of a restaurant in Chisinau. The victim turned out to be a 41-year-old Turkish national, the leader of a criminal group in London, who was wanted by Interpol in Great Britain and Turkey. In the Republic of Moldova, he had been detained twice, but he was later released, while his asylum application was being examined.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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