
Moldova grapples with growing teacher shortage

Moldova's educational system is facing a critical shortage of educators and teachers as the new academic year commences.

While the deficit has decreased by nearly 15% compared to the previous two years, it still stands at a substantial 1,800 positions, according to data from the Ministry of Education. Authorities attribute this decline to a reduction in rural student populations and school consolidation in urban areas.

Chisinau's Kindergarten No. 199 "Lastaras" exemplifies the broader educator shortage, with 20 of its 56 positions vacant. The institution's director, Viorica Pelivan, cites a combination of maternity leave and an exodus of educators after the three-year period of eligibility for state benefits as the primary causes. The kindergarten is struggling to maintain adequate staffing levels, with some classrooms supervised by a single educator instead of the required two.

Director Pelivan highlighted the challenges faced by the kindergarten: "We've experienced a significant departure of young professionals. Ten teaching staff members have taken maternity leave in the past two years, while sixteen non-teaching staff, including assistant educators, are also absent on maternity leave. Despite our recruitment efforts, we've only managed to hire one new young specialist this year, following two in 2023 and one in 2022. Many educators choose to leave after three years, citing burnout and dissatisfaction with salaries."

The most severe educator shortages are concentrated in Chisinau (520 vacancies) and Comrat (127 vacancies), as reported by the Ministry of Education. Other regions facing critical deficits include Ungheni (98), Hâncești (95), Nisporeni (84), Anenii Noi (76), Cimișlia (73), and Ialoveni (68). The crisis is particularly acute in early childhood education, with a concurrent shortage of physical education, mathematics, physics, and Romanian language and literature teachers.

To address the educator shortage, the Ministry of Education has assigned 323 recent graduates to vacant positions, with approximately 300 already accepting employment offers. A second round of placements is currently underway, involving around 170 candidates.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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