
Get up to 7,000 lei for energy-efficient appliances in Moldova

Approximately 150,000 vulnerable families across the country will receive vouchers worth up to seven thousand lei over the next three years to replace their old appliances with new, energy-efficient ones.

This initiative is part of the Appliance Voucher Program, according to information provided by the Ministry of Energy.

As stated by the Ministry, the vouchers will cover up to 70% of the cost of household appliances and will be granted to consumers registered on the government platform Consumers categorised under extreme energy vulnerability will be eligible for vouchers worth 7,000 lei, while those classified as having very high energy vulnerability will receive 6,000 lei, and those with high energy vulnerability will receive 5,000 lei.

Priority will be given to families with multiple children, elderly members, or individuals with special needs. However, households that have previously benefited from financial support for purchasing appliances, except for vouchers used to replace light bulbs, will be excluded from the program.

Selected beneficiaries will be notified about voucher availability through their personal account on the platform, via SMS, or by email.

The budget allocated for the initial round of voucher distribution exceeds 54 million lei.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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