
Moldova braces for potential power disruptions amid Ukraine war

Moldelectrica has announced potential disruptions in Ukraine's power grid following recent attacks on critical infrastructure.

According to the interim general director of the company, Sergiu Aparatu, if the Russian military intensifies its attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, interruptions in the electricity supply could also occur in the Republic of Moldova.

"Between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m., there were several voltage drops on the power lines at the interconnection nodes, indicating a loss of power sources in the system. However, this did not affect the network frequency, and the system remained stable. Following this, we received information about the attacks on Ukraine's power grid. We experienced an increased flow on the interconnection lines with Romania. It was then communicated via dispatch lines that Ukrenergo had taken the necessary measures to reduce the impact on the power grid and avoid a blackout," Aparatu told Radio Moldova.

The interim director of Moldelectrica stated that, at present, there are no disconnected consumers in the Republic of Moldova, and no disconnections are anticipated.

"The Republic of Moldova does not depend on power generation sources from Ukraine. Energy is generated at the Moldovan GRES, and excess consumption is covered through commercial contracts on the Romanian electricity market. At this time, we do not foresee any risk of consumer disconnections," Aparatu added.

However, Sergiu Aparatu did not rule out the possibility that if there are harsher strikes on Ukraine's energy system, interruptions in electricity supply could also occur in the Republic of Moldova.

"When a very large generation source disconnects, it creates a shock that occurs instantly, causing a drop in both voltage and frequency. If there are high-amplitude shocks, they could cause disconnections here as well."

Aparatu also emphasised that currently, several cities and villages near Kyiv have been disconnected from electricity following the Russian military's attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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