
The first plenary session of the Parliament starts

Today begins the ordinary spring 2023 session of the Parliament. During the day, several parliamentary committees convene meetings. Among the projects that will be discussed are the draft law on crowdfunding services, the initiative on the disciplinary liability of judges and the activity of the judicial inspection, the draft law for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the Convention on the facilitation of international maritime traffic, the draft law on ecological production and labeling of ecological products.

Also, the deputies are going to examine the draft law regarding the modification of the conditions for establishing and granting social aid and aid for the cold period of the year. Also today, the Standing Bureau will convene to determine the date of the first plenary session of the Parliament in the spring session, as well as its agenda. According to the Regulations of the Parliament, the Legislative meets in two ordinary sessions per year. The spring session begins in February and cannot exceed the end of July. And the autumn session begins in September and cannot exceed the end of December.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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