
Young educators boost schools with fresh perspectives

The number of young specialists employed in educational institutions is on the rise.

For the first time in seven years, the Theoretical High School "Ștefan cel Mare” in the capital has welcomed teachers who have recently graduated from college and university. This marks a significant change, as these new educators embark on their careers.

The young teachers describe their experiences as emotional yet fulfilling, as this was their desired career path. According to the high school administration, these new specialists bring fresh perspectives, leading to notable achievements.

At 20 years old, Dana Lazăr has begun her career as a primary school teacher. She has long aspired to be an educator and recently graduated from "Alexei Mateevici" Pedagogical College. She will soon start her university studies. Lazăr plans to apply what she learns at university to her teaching practice.

"My middle school teacher guided me and inspired me to pursue a career in education. I chose this profession with passion because if you do not invest your heart into something you love, it lacks value,” said Dana Lazăr.

Previously, Lazăr taught with the support of other teachers, but now she stands alone before her students. She found her first day as a teacher emotional but is certain that she enjoys her new role.

"Now I have my own rules, which is beneficial because it allows me to shape the classroom environment according to my preferences. This is crucial when teaching new topics. My first lesson was highly interactive; the students arrived enthusiastic from the assembly, and I had 26 eager pairs of eyes on me," added Dana Lazăr.

Nina Sandul also began her role a few days ago as a Romanian language teacher, realising a long-held dream.

"During my time as a student, I would wonder about the effort behind each lesson and how much preparation the teacher undertook. It was fascinating to me then, and now I understand firsthand the dedication required to prepare for a lesson," noted Nina Sandul.

Sandul found her first day as a teacher challenging but successfully navigated it. Despite her university degree, she acknowledges that she still has much to learn to gain the students' trust.

"The fact that students listen to me, appreciate my efforts, and thank me after class makes me feel that I might be doing things well. I am aware that there is still much to learn and am eager to continue improving," said Sandul.

According to Ana Franț, the principal of "Ștefan cel Mare" High School, the institution had not received requests for hiring young specialists in the past seven years.

"On one hand, there is a need for teaching staff, and we have confidence in the educational institutions that prepare them. We welcomed these new hires with trust. Before starting their teaching duties, they addressed the preparation for their roles as educators," stated Ana Franț.

The Ministry of Education and Research reports a record number of 407 young specialists employed in schools this year, a 15 percent increase from 2023 and 35 percent above the average of the past five years.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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