
EU's Multiannual Budget: Mureșan to lead negotiations

Romanian MEP Siegfried Mureșan has been appointed by the political groups in the European Parliament as the chief negotiator for the upcoming Multiannual Budget of the European Union.

This budget, which is adopted every seven years, has a total value of approximately 1.3 trillion euros. It serves as the primary source of non-repayable European funds for investments and agricultural subsidies to member states.

The European Parliament will have two chief negotiators. Siegfried Mureșan, representing the EPP Group, the largest political group in Parliament, will be joined by another chief negotiator from the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, the second largest group, who will be appointed in the near future.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Eliza Mihalache

Eliza Mihalache


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