
Six judges, dismissed from office. President Maia Sandu signed the decree

Six judges from the Republic of Moldova are leaving the system. Among them is Rodica Berdilo, the judge who annulled the results of the 2018 elections for Chisinau City Hall, but also magistrate Victoria Sanduța, who came to the attention of the judicial inspection for critical posts on social networks. President Maia Sandu signed a decree to this effect on September 11. Today, the decree was published in the Official Gazette.

According to the act signed by the head of state, Berdilo Rodica, Hadîrca Victoria, Păduraru Irina, Popovici Eugen, Sanduța Victoria and Tizu Svetlana were dismissed.

We remind you that the CSM rejected, on July 1, the repeated requests for appointment up to the age limit by seven magistrates. Their candidacies were previously rejected by the head of state. After the SCM meeting, Victoria Sanduța, as well as other judges, criticized the Council's decision, while the Association of Judges "Vocea Justitiei" expressed its "deep concern" regarding the decisions of the SCM. The association, led by Victoria Sanduța, qualified the plenary decision as "controversial" and "contrary to the legal provisions".

We mention that the president of the Republic of Moldova can reject the candidacy proposed by the CSM for the appointment to the position of judge only once and only in case of detecting circumstances that confirm the candidate's incompatibility with the respective position, violation by him of the legislation or violation of the legal procedures of his selection and promotion.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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