
The Latvian language test becomes the ultimatum for Russians settled in Latvia

Russian citizens who permanently reside in Latvia but have failed the required Latvian-language exam have started receiving letters warning them to leave within 30 days or face "forced deportation", reports RFE.

Reuters / Vorbitori de limba rusă participă la un curs de limba letonă în Riga, în mai 2023
Sursa: Reuters / Vorbitori de limba rusă participă la un curs de limba letonă în Riga, în mai 2023

The letters were issued by the Latvian migration service and are addressed to former citizens of the Soviet Union (mostly people over 60 years old) who came to Latvia during the Soviet era and, after Latvia regained its independence, decided not to obtain a Latvian passport but took Russian citizenship. They live in Latvia with a permanent residence permit, but, as a rule, do not speak Latvian and have little interest in Latvian culture. They receive their news from Russian media and are often pro-Russian. Latvians are not allowed to hold dual Russian citizenship.

In 2022, after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Latvian parliament adopted amendments to the migration law. Now, in order to extend a residence permit in Latvia, holders of Russian passports must confirm their knowledge of the Latvian language at an everyday conversational level. But this exam has not been passed by many Russians living in Latvia. Some complain that it is difficult for them to learn a foreign language at their age, while others simply refuse to do so.

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