
European Day of Languages is marked in Chisinau: People are encouraged to learn foreign languages

The European Day of Languages was officially opened in Chisinau. Throughout the day, citizens will have the opportunity to participate in workshops, games and raffles. The events aim to celebrate European linguistic diversity and to promote language learning.

Ministerul Educației și Cercetării
Sursa: Ministerul Educației și Cercetării

"For us, just like for any other society, other people, language is the important or perhaps the most important pillar of heritage. For us, the Romanian language, which is already part of the European languages celebrated today, is the pillar of our identity, of our heritage", said the Minister of Culture, Sergiu Prodan.

Present at the opening of the event, the Romanian ambassador, Cristian-Leon Țurcanu, emphasized the historical connection between the two banks of the Prut.

"We are in a common cultural space and speak the same language. Unlike the other participating countries, I think we are at an advantage. Through the Romanian language, the Republic of Moldova is already part of Europe. We share not only a language, a history, traditions, but an entire culture, and this has been proven repeatedly this autumn and will be proven in the coming days through the large common cultural events that take place", says Cristian-Leon Țurcanu.

Guido Beltrani, director of the Swiss Cooperation Office, appreciates linguistic diversity in Europe, that's why he chose to speak in Romanian at the opening of the event.

"This year, the motto of the European Day of Languages is 'Languages for Peace', a message that resonates in our hearts and minds in the current context where we live with so many conflicts and insecurities. As a Swiss diplomat, I have always appreciated the variety of languages on the European continent," said Guido Beltrani, Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office.

On the occasion of the European Day of Languages, the "Treasure Hunt" was launched in the central area of Chisinau, where children participate in an introduction to the cultural universe of nine European countries, and at the end, they will receive brochures for learning foreign languages, they will be able to participate in a raffle, but also win free language courses. At the National Library of the Republic of Moldova, in the "Alexe Rău" Conference Hall, visitors will be able to discover Spain and the beauty of the Spanish language. Also today, the opening of FILIT Chisinau - the International Festival of Literature and Translation takes place.

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