
Dmitro Kuleba: European integration for the Republic of Moldova is not a choice between Russia and the West, but a self-choice

The path to European integration remains a difficult one for the Republic of Moldova, but the continuation of this path is essential to guarantee the security and prosperity of the country. This was announced by the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmitro Kuleba, for IPN. According to him, abandoning the pro-European course would place the Republic of Moldova in a "grey area", which could generate serious problems in the long term.

"European integration for Moldova is not a choice between Russia and the West, but a self-choice. There should be no doubt that the lack of a European perspective will create a strategic vacuum, which will be filled by Russia, which is not interested in the peaceful and successful development of Moldova. In addition, this will cause the Republic of Moldova to be influenced by other players, who will seek to strengthen Chisinau's dependence on external factors, often unfavourable," Kuleba claims. The former Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dmitro Kuleba, highlighted that integration into the European Union is vital for the Republic of Moldova, "in the conditions of growing regional and global instability". He noted that European support is already manifested through initiatives such as the group of friends of Moldova in the EU, which provides "critical support" in security and economy.

"I do not doubt that the day will come when Ukraine, together with Moldova, will be in Brussels not as a guest, but as a member with full rights in making decisions about the future of Europe and our peoples. This will be the first time in many centuries that the fate of our countries will not be decided by others, but by ourselves. The only question is when this will happen."

Kuleba warned that any delay in the process could compromise Moldova's chance to become a full member of the European Union.

"We must understand that any stoppage or delay on our part will be used by enlargement sceptics to slow down our countries' achievement of full membership. At this moment, a unique configuration has been created in the history of the EU, in which the topic of enlargement is again in the foreground. (..) Losing this moment now, after all that has been achieved, would be a historic mistake," said Kuleba.

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