
Nicu Popescu: Validation of the referendum enables the Republic of Moldova to speed up the path to the EU

The validation of the referendum and the change of the Constitution will allow the authorities of the Republic of Moldova to speed up the path towards the European Union. Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Nicu Popescu pointed out in a special edition on Moldova 1 TV, that politicians shall follow democratic principles and shall accept people’s will.

"This referendum was validated. We are all looking forward to seeing the exact results. I believe that for those who want clarity about our future, it is very important to use the remaining time, including in the diaspora, where there are still a few potential voting hours, to cast their votes ".

According to Popescu, despite the anti-European campaigns, the referendum turnout exceeded expectations.

"The turnout is very encouraging. I think that these fairly brutal attacks on the political system in the Republic of Moldova, on our freedom of choice, played a certain role, which certainly outraged, irritated and probably encouraged people to refuse to have their vote stolen by this presence at the polls , to influence their vote through these rather brutal methods of vote-buying attempts that we have all seen for the last few weeks[...]. We know very well that the campaign against the question put to the referendum, against this prospect of including in the Constitution a provision regarding the accession to the European Union took several forms. There was also a pro-boycott campaign, there was also a campaign to encourage people to vote "No". There was also a campaign with a message saying that some are for Europe but not for the referendum. So all these campaigns had an impact, but the difference in results shows it is a very small one".

Popescu considers very important election results for the evolution of the Republic of Moldova, including the ongoing accession negotiations.

"Because it finally settles this question that is discussed so much in the Republic of Moldova: what is our future, do we want to build a democracy or a dictatorship, do we want it in the East or in the West? This referendum must certainly settle the situation. I believe it would be correct for all responsible politicians, who are guided by democratic principles, to accept people’s will in the future, including in the policies they will promote within their parties. The validation of the referendum, the change of the Constitution, allows us to speed up the transposition of European legislation and to move at an alert and dynamic pace in the EU", said the former minister.

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