
778 election incidents reported, including bribery allegations

The October 20 election proceeded generally calmly, with no extraordinary incidents, despite certain scenarios being speculated in the public domain.

These conclusions were presented today by Nicolae Panfil, the head of the Promo-LEX Observation Mission. According to him, following the data processed by observers, 778 incidents were reported. The most frequent involved violations of voter secrecy, organized transportation to polling stations, deficiencies in the electoral lists, group voting, and alleged cases of voter bribery, Panfil added.

"Thirty cases of electoral agitation or negative PR within 100 meters of polling stations, or even inside the polling stations, aimed at influencing voters’ choices, were reported. Regarding the organized transportation of voters, 11 cases were observed. As in previous elections, we have once again seen deficiencies in the electoral lists. Regrettably, 76 cases were reported, including discrepancies in addresses and deceased voters on the lists. Throughout the day, 17 cases involving rumors, attempts, or actual instances of material or monetary rewards offered to voters within 100 meters of polling stations were documented."

Meanwhile, the police reported 146 incidents by the time polling stations closed yesterday. In 32 cases, law enforcement was notified about voters photographing their ballot papers. In 14 cases, voters were found damaging their ballot papers.

Law enforcement also reported nine instances of voter bribery and 15 cases of electoral agitation. There were 11 cases of organized transportation of voters, and in two other cases, the police were notified about multiple individuals being present in the voting booth.

Violations of voting rights were reported in eight cases. In four instances, ballot papers were removed from polling stations. Two voters complained to the police after discovering their names were not on the electoral lists. Additionally, law enforcement is documenting the absence of a stamp in one polling station. In two other cases, the activity of the electoral body was obstructed.

In 37 other cases, the police were called to intervene to resolve conflicts and document acts of hooliganism.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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