
Elderly in nursing home denied secret vote during elections

The Promo-LEX Association calls upon state institutions to take action regarding a case observed on election day, in which the right to a secret and freely expressed vote was not ensured for 25 elderly residents of a nursing home in Comrat.

Members of the electoral office brought a mobile ballot box to the local nursing home, where, in some instances, the "VOTED" stamp was applied by third parties without the voter's specific voting choice being expressed.

This case has been reported to the Central Electoral Commission and the General Police Inspectorate for investigation concerning the situation at the mentioned polling station.

Promo-LEX deems the inaction of the electoral office members at the polling station unacceptable, as they failed to intervene to prevent the violation of voting secrecy, as well as the unauthorised assumption of another person's right to vote.

UPDATE 16:25: The General Police Inspectorate (IGP) has announced that it has initiated a criminal investigation following a report from the "Promo-LEX" Association regarding a potential violation of voting secrecy affecting 25 voters residing in the nursing home in Comrat during the electoral ballot on October 20.

According to Article 182 (2) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova, individuals are subject to criminal investigation for committing the offence of "falsifying, by any means, the results of the voting."

If their guilt is established, they face a fine of up to 57,500 lei or imprisonment for a term of up to 5 years.

The police reiterate that any act of coercion or influence on a voter's choice is strictly prohibited by law and is subject to criminal penalties.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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