
LIVE // Government convenes a meeting: Increased one-off allowances for young doctors and pharmacists who will work in villages

The Ministry of Health proposes to increase the one-off allowance for young doctors and pharmacists who will work in villages. A project to this effect will be examined by the Cabinet of Ministers. 16 topics were included on the agenda.

The one-off allowance will have a value of 250 thousand lei. The first instalment will be offered after half a year of activity and amounts at 120 thousand lei, and the rest of the sum - after three years. Also, under the project, expenses for electricity, wood and coal will be compensated, as well as the rental of the home during five years of work. Payment of allowances will be made from the financial means provided annually in the State Budget Law, through the budgets of the medical and sanitary institutions, where the young specialists will be assigned.

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