Elections in Moldova: Ceban emphasises democratic process
One week after meeting with Alexandr Stoianoglo, the presidential candidate for the Socialists, the mayor of Chișinău, Ion Ceban, announced that he also held a meeting with Maia Sandu, the candidate from the Action and Solidarity Party.

Both Ceban and Sandu stated on social media that their discussions focused on the future of the Republic of Moldova and the current challenges facing the country.
The mayor emphasized the importance of a free and fair electoral process during his discussions with Maia Sandu. He asserted that citizens should have the opportunity to choose their country's leadership democratically, free from abuses, legal violations, or vote-buying.
“Today, I spoke with the presidential candidate for the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu. We discussed the projects we are implementing in Chișinău, the necessity for European funding for the city's development, and the importance of preserving democracy in our country. […] I remain committed to advancing the development of Chișinău and the Republic of Moldova on the path to European integration. On November 3, we will go out to vote,” Ceban wrote on social media.
Maia Sandu also commented on her meeting with Ion Ceban, emphasising that “the development of Chișinău is only possible through closer ties with the European Union and within an authentic democracy.” She added that the result of the referendum, in which 56% of Chișinău residents voted “YES” in favour of European integration, clearly reflects the aspirations of the majority of citizens.
Amintim că Ion Ceban s-a întâlnit cu Alexandr Stoianoglo pe 24 octombrie, la patru zile după primul tur al alegerilor prezidențiale. Atunci, Ceban a anunțat că întrevederea a avut loc la inițiativa lui Stoianoglo și că este deschis pentru discuții și cu candidata PAS, pe care a invitat-o la Primărie pentru o întrevedere. În discuția cu Stoianoglo, Ceban a afirmat că rămâne ferm în susținerea dezvoltării Chișinăului și a Republicii Moldova pe drumul integrării europene.
“The voice of the people is paramount. We must all unite, regardless of political ideology, to protect democracy and free elections,” declared Maia Sandu.
It should be noted that Ion Ceban met with Alexandr Stoianoglo on October 24, four days after the first round of the presidential elections. At that time, Ceban announced that the meeting occurred at Stoianoglo's initiative and that he was open to discussions with the PAS candidate, whom he invited to City Hall for a meeting. In his discussion with Stoianoglo, Ceban stated that he remains committed to supporting the development of Chișinău and the Republic of Moldova on the path to European integration.
In the first round of the election, Maia Sandu received 42.45% of the votes, while Alexandr Stoianoglo garnered 25.98%. The second round is scheduled to take place on Sunday, November 3.
Translation by Iurie Tataru