Save on energy costs with variable electricity tariffs in Moldova
The introduction of variable electricity tariffs provides consumers in the Republic of Moldova with the opportunity to lower their energy costs by adjusting their usage patterns.
Electricity used at night, between 11:00 PM and 7:00 AM, is cheaper than electricity used during the day, from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM. To take advantage of this option, ANRE (National Energy Regulatory Agency) highlights the importance of understanding how variable tariffs work and the steps required to implement them in your home or business.
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The government will partially offset the rise in electricity tariffs. Alexei Buzu: "We must stand together and use energy wisely."
What are variable tariffs?
Electricity is cheaper at night. For the first time, variable tariffs based on usage hours will be introduced in the Republic of Moldova. Variable tariffs offer lower rates for electricity used at night, from 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM, and higher rates during the day, from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM. This is a chance for consumers to save by shifting high-energy activities (like laundry or charging appliances) to nighttime hours.
Who can take advantage?
All consumers – households and businesses – can switch to variable tariffs, but they need a meter capable of tracking hourly usage.
Modern smart meters: Most meters already installed have this feature and only require programming.
Older meters: If your meter cannot track hourly usage, you’ll need to buy a new one and cover the costs.
How can you switch to variable tariffs?
- Check your current meter: Contact your system operator (Premier Energy or FEE Nord) and ask if it can be programmed for variable rates.
- Install a new meter if needed: If your current meter is incompatible, purchase a new one from your system operator or authorized retailers. Make sure it is metrologically certified.
- Submit a request: Ask your system operator to program or install the new meter.
- Update your contract: Once the meter is set up, inform your energy supplier to adjust the contract and apply variable tariffs.
How can you save money?
To make the most of variable tariffs, you should analyze your energy usage patterns. Move high-energy activities – like using the washing machine, dryer, or electric water heater – to nighttime hours.
What should you know before switching to variable tariffs?
Analyze your usage! If most of your energy is used during the day, switching to variable tariffs may not save you money.
Translation by Iurie Tataru