
Moldova: Tech aid for students in crisis

The energy crisis in Moldova has severely impacted education, particularly in the Security Zone.

To ensure continued learning, 350 tablets were distributed to educational institutions within the Security Zone to ensure children's continued access to education during the energy crisis. Each device came with a case, a screen protector, and a USB external battery.

According to the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC), students taking exams will continue in-person classes. Depending on the situation in each region, the option will be either online learning or a temporary one-week school break, followed by the recovery of missed lessons.

Of the 2,334 students studying online, nearly 90% are able to connect to their classes. Students who have not been able to participate in online classes cited a lack of devices or essential conditions, such as electricity, internet access, or a sufficient number of devices for families with multiple children.

Additionally, starting this week, air conditioners will be installed in most schools to ensure comfortable classroom temperatures and enable the physical attendance of primary school students and those in their final year of school.

The MEC states that it continues to work with development partners to find solutions that will enable the normal continuation of the educational process.

As a reminder, students from educational institutions with Romanian-language teaching in the Transnistrian region and those in the security zone affected by the energy crisis returned to classes on January 9, but in an online format. According to the order of January 3 of the Ministry of Education and Research, the educational process will take place remotely until January 31, 2025.

The measure was taken after the Russian concern Gazprom suspended the supply of natural gas to the Republic of Moldova, with localities in the Transnistrian region, including the Security Zone, being directly affected by this decision. Thus, from January 1, thousands of residents of the Transnistrian region were left without heating and hot water, and from January 3, power outages began.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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