
Activity of meteorologists from the State Hydrometeorological Service between responsibility and difficulties

Meteorology is a field full of responsibilities and challenges, where specialists from the State Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Moldova face the challenge of providing accurate forecasts every day. Although their forecasts have a high degree of accuracy, outdated equipment and low salaries represent significant obstacles.

“Our accuracy of forecasts and warnings is 97-98%. To develop these forecasts and warnings, it is necessary to use a lot of data and information. It is about surface data, aerological data, satellite data, those images that we use from the satellite, radar data, data from the water," explained Tatiana Dabija, head of the SHS Forecast Center.

Nadejda Stolear has been working at the State Hydrometeorological Service for six years. Nadejda says that it is an interesting profession and an enormous responsibility since she has to provide correct information to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

“There are days that are very complicated in terms of forecasting, and then I believe that I would be better an accountant, where there is accurate data”, said Nadejda Stolear, head of the SHS forecast section.

For her part, Tatiana Dabija, who has been working in the field since 2007, says that the profession she practices makes her constantly study because every day there are changes and progress, to which she has to adapt. However, the biggest problem at present is low salaries, she says.

"The biggest disadvantage is the remuneration; because of this, we have a large flow of people. Unfortunately, we have more elderly staff; the young ones come and go because of salaries," said Tatiana Dabija, head of the SHS Forecast Center.

World Meteorological Day is marked annually on March 23, since 1961. In the Republic of Moldova, the State Hydrometeorological Service is the only authorized institution with qualified specialists that can forecast the weather.

Valeria Tăbîrță

Valeria Tăbîrță


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