
Resolution in support of the Republic of Moldova: the United States condemns the activities of the Russian Federation and demands the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Transnistrian region

The United States of America condemns in the strongest terms the malicious Russian activities in the Republic of Moldova and demands the withdrawal of the Russian troops stationed illegally in the Transnistrian region. At the same time, the USA expresses its support for the European path of the Republic of Moldova and urges the European Union to further promote the accession processes of the Republic of Moldova to the EU. The statements are contained in a resolution passed by the US House of Representatives.

In the adopted resolution, the US expresses its "strong support" for the people of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Republic of Moldova "in their demonstrated commitment to promoting democracy, strengthening civil society and European integration in the face of Russia's illegal and large-scale invasion of Ukraine."

"We reaffirm the commitment of the US to the Republic of Moldova in the face of malign influence and Russian military aggression, we express our firm support for Moldova's goal of integration into the Western, democratic community. (…) We urge the European Union to further promote the processes of accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union in order to ensure the economic and national security of the Republic of Moldova", reads the text of the resolution adopted by the House of Representatives of the US Congress.

At the same time, the US supports the initiatives and cooperation within the four working groups of the US-Moldova Strategic Dialogue, as a means of strengthening the ties between the two countries.

Regarding the Transnistrian region, the US has requested the withdrawal from the sovereign territory of the Republic of Moldova of all personnel and equipment belonging to the Russian armed forces or security.

"We support a negotiation process led by Europe for the Organization for Security and Cooperation, a special status for the Transnistrian region within a territorial and sovereign Republic of Moldova within internationally recognized borders," reads the quoted resolution.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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