
The new tariff, approved by ANRE for consumers in Chisinau

Chisinau residents will pay more for thermal energy delivered by Termoelectrica. The tariff increased by more than 700 lei, after today's decision, February 28, of the members of the National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE), unanimously approved by votes.

According to ANRE's decision, the residents of the capital who are connected to the centralized heating system will pay 3,577 lei for one gigacalorie, compared to 2,854 lei until now, i.e. 723 lei or by 25 percent more.

On the other hand, the tariff for the electricity produced by Termoelectrica drops by 61 lei or 14% and will be 3 lei and 93 lei per kilowatt hour, compared to 4 lei and 54 lei as it was until now.

We remind you that Termoelectrica requested the adjustment of the tariff for the electricity produced and the tariff for the electricity delivered to consumers for 2023 already at the end of last year. The enterprise argued its request by increasing the purchase prices of gas and fuel oil.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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