
Nearly nine thousand people were banned entry to Moldova in 2022. The figure has doubled since 2021

In 2022, 8,999 persons and 4,048 means of transport were refused entry to the territory of the Republic of Moldova. As stated by the Border Police, the figure has increased by more than 197% in contrast to 2021. According to the Border police officers, the main reason for refusal was non-compliance with the conditions for entry into our country.

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Thus, 1,976 persons could not cross the Moldovan-Ukrainian border crossing points, 2,965 persons were refused entry at the Romanian border, while 4,058 persons were refused entry by air to Moldova. The top foreign citizens, not allowed to cross the state border, are Ukrainians, Romanians, Turks, Russians, Tajiks, Azeris and other citizens.

According to the Border Police, there are no restrictions on the movement of foreign nationals when crossing the state border.

"Only foreigners who meet the legal conditions and can justify the purpose of their visit to Moldova will be allowed to enter the country, upon presentation of the relevant documents," the institution reports.

The Border Police reported that after 24 February 2022, with the establishment of the war-related emergency situation in the immediate vicinity of the state border of the Republic of Moldova, all foreign citizens undergo a special check upon entry into the country, in the context of excluding security risks.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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