
Former PDM deputy Vladimir Andronachi remains in pre-trial detention

Previously, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office reported that on 25 January it had concluded the criminal prosecution of Vladimir Andronachi and an accomplice in the criminal case that is part of the case known as "Bank Fraud".

"As a result of the acts of which the defendants are accused, the state of the Republic of Moldova has been damaged by more than 26 million lei, the amount being covered by the seizures applied," the AP said.

Vladimir Andronachi, who was deported in November 2022 by the Ukrainian authorities, is included in the criminal cases "Bank Fraud" and "Metalferos", which are being handled by the PA and the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organised Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS).

In the "Bank Fraud" case, Andronachi has been charged with the offences of "swindling to a considerable extent for the benefit of a criminal organisation" and "money laundering to a considerable extent for the benefit of a criminal organisation".

In the "Metalferos" case, Andronachi is charged with "setting up and directing a criminal organisation", fraud on a particularly large scale and money laundering.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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