
Mikhail Podoleak suggests Kiev will not negotiate with Moscow: "Russia entered our territory, launched missiles"

Ukraine will not negotiate with Russia, as ceding territory will not stop Russia from continuing its aggression, Mihailo Podoleak, adviser to President Voldomir Zelenski, hinted in an interview with Hotnews. He also suggests that the world will no longer be as it was before the war and urges the European community not to be afraid of the Russian Federation.

"It's very strange to think that politics is so simple, you give up a territory and that's it. Then I have a question: why do you think Russia will stop here? Why don't you think Russia will go further. Naivety cannot be part of a policy. In 2014, the Europeans told us to give up some territory and peace will come. Did peace come after that? Russia entered our territory, launched missiles, made more murders, rapes, in Kiev region, Zaporozhye and other regions. They violated international law. Only now our prosecutor's office has started 70,000 files of everything Russia did," Podoleak said.

It is also necessary for Europe to start investing heavily in the defence complex, the Ukrainian adviser added.

"This weaponry needs to be used now, because a global war is taking place now. Not since the Second World War has there been a war of this scale. Now the weapons must be given to Ukraine, which must put an end to this war."

Mihailo Podoleak also spoke about the massive migration of Ukrainian citizens after the war, saying he was grateful to Moldova and Romania for sheltering refugees, but the Kiev authorities want them to return to Ukraine.

"We want to change the structure of the economy, make a different economy and create jobs. Many businesses have been destroyed in our country and we are thinking of creating mechanisms to encourage the creation of new businesses so that people will be motivated to return to their country."

Some 8 million people, mostly women and children, are thought to have left Ukraine.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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