
Romanian MEP: "Our security in the EU depends on the stability of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova"

The Republic of Moldova is today more credible than ever internationally, with a clear European perspective, said MEP Siegfried Mureșan, in an interview for the Romanian media. He stated that the European Union is willing to accept our country, and one day it will become a member state of the EU.

Facebook/Siegfried Mureșan
Sursa: Facebook/Siegfried Mureșan

"Today, the Republic of Moldova is more credible than ever internationally, with a clear European perspective (...). When I was three weeks ago in Chisinau, all the members of the EP delegation, from several states, were surprised by the speedy reforms, especially in the judiciary, despite the difficulties that the Republic of Moldova", said the MEP. Siegfried Mureșan expressed his desire that the EU accession negotiations take place during the following year, after the European Commission will evaluate the situation after these reforms. "Our security in the EU depends on the stability of Ukraine, it depends on the stability of the Republic of Moldova. And the EU understands that just as Ukraine is important for all of us, the Republic of Moldova is also important for all of us", the Romanian MEP mentioned. According to him, in recent weeks, the EU has offered substantial support, including financial support, to the Republic of Moldova to overcome the situation in the energy field. We remind you that on June 23, the European Council granted Moldova the status of a candidate state for EU accession.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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