
Seven non-judge candidates for positions in the CSM were heard by the Pre-Vetting Commission

The Pre-Vetting Commission has completed the stage of public hearings of non-judge candidates for positions in the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM). Of the 12 candidates, seven participated in the hearings, as two withdrew from the competition, two other candidates did not submit the declaration for 5 years in time, thus being disqualified, and one candidate requested to be evaluated without participating in the hearings .

Therefore, between March 1-9, Tatiana Chiriac, Tatiana Ciaglic, Ion Guzun, Angela Popil, Valentin Caisîn, Alexandru Postică and Alexandru Rotari were heard in public meetings, who answered the questions of the Commission members to clarify some relevant aspects the evaluation process. In the following period, the Pre-Vetting Commission will work on the elaboration of decisions regarding the promotion or non-promotion of the evaluation by the non-judge candidates. Similar to the group of candidate judges, non-judges are evaluated by the Pre-Vetting Commission in order to become eligible for membership in the SCM. In parallel with the work on the decisions, the Commission carries out the evaluation of the candidates for the position of member in the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP).

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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