
Police announce that they have information about the organization of destabilizing actions during Sunday's protest

The police have information such as that tomorrow, during a protest announced by the Movement for the People, it is planned to organize actions of destabilization and mass disorder. In this context, the law enforcement officers ask the organizers and participants to obey the legal requirements and not admit actions that would endanger the life and health of people, as well as the security of the state.

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The police ask, in particular, the public association with illegal badges and insignia, moving in front of the column of participants to be with their faces uncovered. The law enforcement officers also state that they will not tolerate any form of provocation or aggression, including against its employees.

"We assure you that law enforcement will intervene and will discourage any action that will endanger the safety of citizens or event participants."

On the other hand, the Movement for the People claims that citizens who intend to participate in the Sunday rally would be threatened with criminal cases and arrests. The source notes that such actions violate citizens' right to protest and free expression.

Being asked if there is a risk of destabilization, the country's president Maia Sandu stated that there is such a risk, but she relies on the state institutions, which according to the head of state, have so far been able to keep the situation under control.

"Each time there are such risks, but so far, our institutions have demonstrated that they know how to keep the situation under control, and I am certain that from now on they will ensure public order."

We remind you that the "Movement for the People" which includes several activists and politicians, the "SOR" Party announces a new protest action in the center of the capital.

Yesterday, the law enforcement officers conducted searches in the "mass disturbances" file, after which 11,000 US dollars and 400 euros intended for the organization of mass disturbances were recovered. Handcuffs, prohibited substances, draft documents, but also communication and information storage devices were also found and seized. They will be subjected to investigations, and the persons targeted by the searches will be summoned to hearings.

According to the General Inspectorate of the Police, the people under investigation are men aged between 23 and 50, previously tried for fraud, drug trafficking and theft.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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