
Natalia Gavrilița, after a new missile fell in the north of the Republic of Moldova: "We are making every effort to keep the situation under control"

The authorities of the Republic of Moldova are making every effort not to admit risks for citizens, said Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița, after the components of a rocket were discovered near Briceni town. Also, the Prime Minister strongly condemns the brutal attacks on civilian targets in Ukraine and reiterates her solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

Sursa: TVR

"Dear citizens, a new wave of missile attacks is taking place in Ukraine, which has direct consequences for our country as well. I was informed that a short time ago, a Border Police patrol discovered the components of a rocket near the city of Briceni (...). Both I and my colleagues are making every effort to keep the situation under control and not admit risks for our people (...). Please follow the advice of the competent authorities and stay safe. ", reads the Prime Minister's message. We remind that a rocket was discovered on Monday, December 5 near Briceni. All the specialized services of the Ministry of the Interior, Bombteh and IGSU are on site. Also, a team of National Army engineers is moving to Briceni to survey the area. Moreover, Moldelectrica announced about disturbances in the energy system that could lead to possible disconnections. This is related to the massive attacks in Ukraine. We remind you that on October 31, a projectile shot down by the Ukrainian anti-aircraft system fell in the town of Naslavcea, in Ocnița district. As a result, the windows of several homes were broken and several roofs were destroyed.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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