
The image of President Maia Sandu, used by fraudsters in a new scheme. The presidency urges citizens to be vigilant

The presidential administration urges citizens to be vigilant and wary of false information distributed in the public space. The Presidency's call comes after the image of President Maia Sandu was allegedly used by scammers in various types of deceptive and fraudulent advertising promoting pharmaceutical products or banking services.

According to the quoted source, fake information, distributed more and more often on the Internet, would promote individuals or companies.

"The content of the messages have nothing to do with the activity and image of President Maia Sandu. Therefore, we draw the attention of the citizens to the fact that the information distributed in the public space, accompanied by photos with the image of the first persons in the state, is a fake", reads the informative note issued by the presidency.

The presidential institution condemns, in context, these disinformation practices and urges all citizens to inform themselves only from reliable sources.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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