
Romania donated computers for schools in the Republic of Moldova

The Government of Romania donated laptops and high-performance computers for schools in the Republic of Moldova. The donation in the amount of 80 thousand euros was made within a program implemented by UNDP Moldova.

45 laptops and high-performance computers will be distributed in ten schools in the center and north of the Republic of Moldova.

"We are happy to have contributed financially to such a project, for the direct benefit of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, namely the students and teachers of the 10 selected schools. We can say that Romania already has a tradition of supporting the education system in the Republic of Moldova, and I would only list the more than 1,200 renovated kindergartens, 196 school mini buses, distributed throughout the country, but also the complete construction of a new building at "Mihai Eminescu" High School in Comrat, with teaching in Romanian. Romania remains the closest partner of the Republic of Moldova, engaged in an extensive process of reforms aimed at accelerating its course towards joining the European Union, with the aim of improving the quality of life of citizens, restoring their dignity, by connecting to the set of values and moral principles that are the basis of the European construction", said Cristian-Leon Țurcanu, the Ambassador of Romania to the Republic of Moldova.

The modern equipment will be used by 6,800 students to study the professions of the future – web and mobile application development, graphic design, programming, artificial intelligence.

The donation was made by the Government of Romania through RoAID - the International Development Cooperation Agency of Romania, within a program implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Moldova.

Cornelia Stefoglu

Cornelia Stefoglu


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