
Bogdan Aurescu: The Republic of Moldova could receive $750,000 from NATO funds to strengthen the country's defence system

In addition to Ukraine, NATO must support other vulnerable partners in the region, including the Republic of Moldova, which is the target of Russia's destabilising actions. The statement was made by Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu, who is attending the NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels. Aurescu also announced that our country could receive $750,000 in NATO funds to strengthen the country's defence system.

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"The situation in the Republic of Moldova was at the centre of the discussion. The government in Chisinau needs support to implement the European reforms started by the government. We must continue to support the country's integration into the European Union. Together we must also support other vulnerable partners in the region, such as the Republic of Moldova, which is the target of Russia's destabilising actions," said the head of diplomacy in Bucharest.

Bogdan Aurescu recalled that Moldovan President Maia Sandu visited Bucharest on Monday, where she discussed with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Romanian President Klaus Iohannis "how to make the Republic of Moldova more resilient and secure".

"Romania will commit and announce that we will continue to contribute to the Alliance's defence capabilities development programmes - $800,000 for Ukraine and $750,000 for the Republic of Moldova to improve their defence capabilities," the Romanian foreign minister said.

In February, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană announced that the North Atlantic Alliance is offering Moldova a non-lethal assistance package. According to the official, the assistance package is a response to Chisinau's request and is intended to help the Republic of Moldova face the challenges of the hybrid war and the security crisis in the region.

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