
Food waste: about 30 percent of Easter food ended up in the bin

Nearly 30 percent of food prepared for the Easter meal ended up in the bin again this year. According to experts, these products would also be enough for the Easter meal of the almost one million people in Moldova who live on the poverty line.

But statistics show that food waste is becoming a serious phenomenon in our country, especially during the holidays. While some Moldovans save money and say they try to cook little, others admit to throwing it away.

Economic expert Veaceslav Ionita says that on average, 20% of the food Moldovans buy ends up in the bin. On holidays, the situation is even worse, with the biggest food waste occurring in urban areas.

"A third of what we buy is no longer enough to eat, but ends up in the bin. This is a tragedy because we have about a million people in the country who are undernourished. In the villages, there is less waste for a few reasons: people are more careful, people are poorer and there are animals around the house," says the expert.

In a nutshell, during the holidays, Moldovans overdo the cooking and food waste is even higher. However, some Moldovans say that because of recent high prices, this year they have been more rational when making their shopping lists. But others admitted to us that they still throw products in the bin.

"It happens. Obviously it happens. There's no way to forget this moment. It happens, but we try to be more rational."

"- For example, when I'm not at home and I'm going somewhere - do you throw it away then? - Only then, but more to the animals, because we have pets at home".

"We don't throw anything away, in the fridge, on ice".

"I strive to do so on the limit, as fresh as possible every day to cook them. I also have a cat, a puppy, the neighbours have chickens, so nothing goes to waste."

According to data presented by economic expert Veaceslav Ionita, Moldovans spend about 45 billion lei a year on food.

But afterwards, 8 billion lei worth of food is thrown away. Ionita also says that since the legislature approved a bill to prevent food waste, the figures are falling.

The initiative provides for products nearing their expiry date to be sold at a reduced price or donated to charities.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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