
The Republic of Moldova has been invited to join the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism

The Republic of Moldova has been invited to join the European Union's Civil Protection Mechanism. During a visit, the European High Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, offered Interior Minister Ana Revenco the path towards joining the mechanism. Thus, Moldovan firefighters and rescuers are entering the final phase of preparation to join international cooperation in the field of disaster and risk prevention.

Sursa: privesc.eu

Once the Republic of Moldova applied for EU membership, the IGSU requested an assessment of its disaster prevention management capabilities. Interior Minister Ana Revenco says that for a year, through the European Union's Civil Protection Mechanism, our country's security and health system has received aid worth €15 million.

"The accession procedure includes several steps, we are ready and the team is assembled. We understand what tasks are set before us. We have every confidence that with the support of the Member States that have already become colleagues in this mission, we will succeed in the agreed terms to go through all the necessary steps to become members of the European family of rescuers and firefighters", said Ana Revenco, Minister of Interior Affairs.

The European High Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, handed over a document which includes measures to reduce the impacts of emergencies and mitigate their consequences.

"I am convinced, Madam Minister, that this is possible, joining the EU Civil Protection Mechanism because you have demonstrated time and again that you can help others. For example, the earthquake in Turkey, the forest fires in Greece in 2021 and helping your neighbours in Romania during the pandemic," said Janez Lenarčič .

With the accession to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, Moldova will be able to count on support from the 27 EU member states.

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