
The National Philharmonic will be rebuilt according to a project by German architects

Launched in September 2022 by the Ministry of Culture, the "Philharmonic of the Renaissance" competition has reached its final stage. 27 architectural projects have been submitted, including the designs and cost estimates for the new building of the Sergei Lunchevich National Philharmonic, which was destroyed by fire in 2020. Architectural companies and individual specialists from twelve countries have entered the competition.

The cultural institution could be built by architects from Germany.

"At the Ministry of Culture, we approached this project with great fear. Of course, the project itself is beyond our competence and the solutions we can generate. We demonstrate that it can be done. For us, this project is a project of the heart, even in the fact that the Republic of Moldova has offered world-class artists," said Minister of Culture Sergiu Prodan.

"It really is a great happiness today. It is a Moldovan project," said the director of the National Philharmonic, Svetlana Bivol.

The National Philharmonic building was opened in 1913

The building of the National Philharmonic was built in 1912 and opened in 1913 as the headquarters of the Circus. Three decades later, the Philharmonic Institution was created. In 1960, under the guidance of the Moldovan architect Valentin Voițehovski, the building was reconstructed. The interior was changed and the main entrance was decorated with a six-columned arch, which gave the building grandeur and solemnity.

In 2003, the Philharmonic was named after Sergei Lunchevich.

During its 90 years of activity, the "Serghei Lunchevici" National Philharmonic has become the most important concert institution in the Republic of Moldova, carrying out a wide range of activities in various directions: academic, popular and jazz music. The most representative groups, such as the "Joc", "Lăutarii", "Plai" and "Noroc" orchestras started their activities here. Also, legendary names and personalities of musical culture such as Veronica Garștea, Nicolae Sulac, Tamara Ciobanu, Nicolae Botgros, Zinaida Julea, Ion Suruceanu, Iurie Sadovnic, Nadejda Cepraga or Mihai Dolgan.

On 24 September 2020, the Philharmonic building was devastated by fire. The ceiling of the main hall collapsed and the flames spread and consumed the interior. The building was 80 percent damaged. Both concert halls, the two stages, the sheet music archive and dozens of musical instruments burned. One of the causes established by experts was a failure to follow the rules for cutting and cutting metal. Despite this unfortunate event, the institution's concert activity has continued and is taking place in the Republic Palace Hall, where concerts are being held during the reconstruction of the building.

Two years after the fire, the ministry announced the international "Revive the Philharmonic" competition, to which dozens of companies with experience in the field submitted architectural solutions for the rehabilitation of the building. An international jury of architects and music specialists selected the winner of the competition, who drew up the design. Public consultations are now underway to develop a vision for the reconstruction of the cultural site.

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